
A fun time in Aspen and the Altitude

There is more to do in Aspen than skiing! The nightlife in Aspen is like nothing will
Try somewhere else. Warm up and The intimate friendship of all skiers, from both The various lodges are very special, and wonderful. You'll have a fun time in Aspen, no matter what What you choose to do, but there is one thing You should be fully aware of them Start your party - rise.

Aspen is located at an altitude of 8000 feet above sea level. Unless you live in a high-altitude area, you will do so Need to adapt to this rise. You may find Feel yourself dizzy or light, and you
You may find it difficult to breathe. Height Disease is a serious problem, if you have Symptoms become extreme, you should seek medical care.

If you will drink, you need to know that Height will have a big impact on your way The body treats alcohol. Many people Do not use such a high rise to find The drunker becomes much less alcohol-intensive Short period of time. It is better to avoid Drink alcohol at all until it is tuned
To rise.

It is also important to recognize signs Both altitude sickness and acute mountain
Disease (AMS). Height sickness can be Recognized by hyperpnea, tightness Breathing during exertion, increased urination, Breathing patterns changed at night, strange Dreams, often wake up from sleep During the night. Acute mountain sickness, gr On the other hand, it is recognized as anorexia, Nausea, vomiting, fatigue or weakness, Dizziness, vertigo, difficulty sleeping,
Confusion, amazing walking.

As you can see, the symptoms of each rise Disease and acute mountain disease Somewhat similar to drinking symptoms Too much alcohol. The only way to exclude existence Being drunk is not to drink for at least 48 hours after Your arrival at high altitude. Must be Also seek medical attention if your symptoms are Continue for more than 48 hours, or if you show signs Of acute mountain sickness. AMS can be Fatal if not treated.

Health care professionals suggest that you are Avoid drinking alcohol because the effects are High inflation. Avoid strenuous Activity in the first two days after arrival At high altitude. Drink extra fluids and visit Doctor if you have AMS symptoms Immediately for treatment.

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